so i had another craft fair and i worked my butt off, every night for two weeks straight. my goal was to use all my supplies and get as many things made as i possibly could. i wanted to do more, but my day job and sleeping got in the way. anyways, here's my hard work....

check out these adorable forest animal book marks!
they are probably my most favourite thing right now...

$2.oo each

$2.oo each

i will most likely end up keeping this for myself.

$2.oo each
(one on the left is sold!)

pirate book mark? sure why not!

cute little gift tags sold 3 in a pack for $3.00

3 for $3.00

3 for $3.00 each


3 for $3.00 each!

Yah it's almost christmas time!!
3 for $3.00

3 for $3.00
(top pack sold)

$5.00 each

$5.00 each
(4"7 cards)

$7.00 each
(5"7 cards)

some wedding cards!
$ 5.00 each

easter cards!
$5.00 each

cute little kid birthday cards! i have stickers to put whatever age you want on them!
$5.00 each

harley missed me a lot too. i swear he was tapping the bed with his paw here..




i love my group shots!



(these are 5"7 cards)

(these are 5"7 cards)

(these are 5"7 cards)


do you know what movie this girl is from?











and here's some photos from the actual craft fair.

definitely the best looking table at the fair.

probably the best table set up ever!

who could resist!?

there wasn't as many old peeps as i was hoping for but we had fun!
(i wish u could see the apron i made gord wear!)